I recently switched to the Kliment fork of the TonokIP fork of the Hydra-MMM firmware.

The tiny pauses between g-code segments are all but gone, and I’ve been re-printing some things
to do before & after comparisons.

The black PLA-4043D Hyperboloid was printed with the Tonokip firmware, and the recent natural 4043D PLA was printed with the Kliment firmware.
Both were printed through a MakerGear plastruder with a 0.35mm nozzle, at 0.25mm layer heights. I’ve been using the same hot-end for a while now, and have put nearly 15lbs of PLA through it. The took 2 hours each, give or take a few minutes.

Hopefully my picture managed to capture the difference in surface quality. Hit the full-size photos to see it better.

Just few minutes in

About 25% done

Finished print, unretouched photo. :-)

Left is tonokip, right is Klimentip.

One Response to “Hyperboloid v2”

  1. Quinchy says:

    Thanks for posting all the neat work!